Successful Stories

Successful Stories


Life Learn (HK) 動學人生已連續 3 年與學校執行合作香港⻘年獎勵計劃。每年為200 間學校提供課程,並為全港 1,000 多位註冊導師提供年度增值課程。

課程包括 :

  1. 野外鍛鍊科
  2. 康樂體育科
  3. 技能科
  4. 社會服務科
  5. ⽣活體驗科

服務 :

  1. 課程設計
  2. 安排導師
  3. 整個計劃執⾏
  4. ⽇常運作及查詢等⼯作:



Life Learn (HK) 動學人生已連續六年為不同保險公司的團隊進行企業培訓,提升保險從業員的專業形象,跟進團隊發展。 過往的客戶有宏利香港、保誠香港、友邦保險香港。
manulife 宏利香港


Life Learn (HK) 動學人生多年來為20間機構提供特殊教育需要相關課程。同時為20多種不同特殊人士(包括:智障人士、肢體殘障人士、低收入家庭、新來港家庭、群育學校的學生、接受感化人士等)提供情緒及技能支援。

1) 匡智會
2) 基督教靈實協會
3) 香港心理衛生會
4) 基督教懷智服務處
5) 學前弱能兒童家長會
6) 瑪利灣學校
7) 東華三院賽馬會復康中心
8) 佛教志蓮中學
9) 三水同鄉會劉本章學校
10) 東華三院鄺錫坤伉儷中學
11) 香海正覺蓮社佛教普光學校
12) 香港特殊奧運會
13) 香港盲人輔導會
14) 香港聾人福利促進會
15) 香港新聲會
16) 明愛樂協會
17) 聖公會聖基道兒童院
18) 保良局
19) 東華三院心瑜軒
20) 明愛培立中心
21) 香港保護兒童會
1) 自閉症
2) 讀寫障礙
3) 學習遲緩
4) 亞氏保加症
5) 過度活躍症
6) 特殊學習需要
7) 對坑性行為人士
8) 智障人士(輕度、中度、嚴重)
9) 視障人士
10) 語障人士
11) 聽障人士
12) 癌症康復者
13) 腦退化症人士
14) 肢體傷殘人士
15) 更新人士
16) 戒毒人士
17) 綜援家庭
18) 兒童之家
19) 新來港人士
20) 非華語人士
21) 少數族裔人士
22) 上網成癮人士

SEN 特殊教育需要服務

special need

Junior Achievement (HK)

Starting from the new academic year in September 2022, Life Learn HK has been invited to collaborate with Junior Achievement Hong Kong (JA HK) for a three-year partnership, visiting secondary schools across Hong Kong to hold the “JA Plan Your Future Project – Self-understanding & Life Plan Workshop” to help young people enhance their self-awareness and career planning. Since September 2022, there are more than 15 secondary schools and 1,500 secondary school students have participated.

This course includes exposing students to more industries and professions and conducting personality analysis for students. Many students have limited exposure to the careers they encounter in their daily lives. Understanding the characteristics, development prospects, and requirements of various industries and professions allows students to have a more comprehensive choice and planning. Mentors will also share some industry trends.

Personality analysis can explore students’ career development direction and suitable working environment from the perspective of their personality tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses. Through the exploration of these two aspects, students can better understand themselves and have more ideas and courage to explore the possibilities of their future direction and career development. At the same time, through personality analysis, students can understand that everyone’s personality is different, have more tolerance for different personality types, and learn how to appreciate the strengths of others and how to bring out the best in each other in group cooperation.

At the end of the course, students set goals for their future together. This part is the focus of the entire course and the most inspiring part. Through understanding their own personality and interests, students can determine their career direction and goals and begin to formulate plans to achieve these goals. This helps students to link their learning and life with their future career development, giving them more motivation and direction.

The significance of this course is to help students understand themselves, find their career direction and goals, and formulate plans to achieve these goals. This not only helps them better plan their learning and life but also enables them to face future career challenges with more confidence.

At the same time, the course will also discuss with students their thoughts on the future beyond work, enabling them to think about their future in a much wider perspective.

About Junior Achievement (HK)

Junior Achievement Hong Kong (JA HK) is one of the 100+ members of JA Worldwide, and a leading provider of Other Learning Experiences in Hong Kong. Our programs enable young people to learn the world of work from the first-hand experience of business volunteers.

As one of the world’s largest youth-serving NGOs, JA Worldwide prepares young people for employment and entrepreneurship. For 100 years, JA has delivered hands-on, immersive learning in career readiness, entrepreneurship and financial health. We create pathways for employability, job creation, and financial success.